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On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Personal Injury,Slip & Falls

Mississippi Code section 15-1-49: Slip and Fall Laws

Slip and fall accidents in Mississippi are unfortunately common, resulting in injury and even death. Property owners have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for those who visit their property and must take the necessary precautions such as clearing away clutter or wet spots, ensuring steps and handrails are in good condition, and other steps to ensure visitors’ safety.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Motorcycle Accident

How Much Is Your Mississippi Motorcycle Accident Case Worth?

Motorcycle accidents can cause serious injuries and property damage. If you or someone you know has been involved in a motorcycle accident in Mississippi, understanding the value of your case is essential. Keep reading to learn about the factors that affect the value of a motorcycle accident case in Mississippi and how damages are calculated.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Maritime Injury

What To Do If You Are The Victim of a Maritime Injury in Mississippi

Maritime work is inherently risky, as workers are often exposed to a variety of hazardous conditions, including extreme weather, long hours, and dangerous machinery. Unfortunately, these risks can lead to potentially life-altering injuries. It’s important for maritime workers to understand the most common types of maritime injuries and their associated impacts in order to take steps to protect themselves from harm.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Personal Injury

Emotional Distress After an Accident 

It’s not uncommon for people who have been wronged to experience a range of difficult and painful emotions—from anger and fear to sadness and grief. But what exactly is “emotional distress,” and why is it important for those seeking legal representation to understand what it is?

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Personal Injury

What Steps Should I Take if I’ve Been Injured in a Bike Accident?

A bicycle accident can be a harrowing experience. If you or a loved one have been involved in a bicycle accident, it is important to know what to do to protect your rights. Here are four steps to take after a bicycle accident:

Step 1: Seek medical attention immediately

Your health and wellbeing should be your top priority after a bike accident.

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