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On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Truck Accident

How Much Is My Mississippi Truck Accident Case Worth?

Truck accidents can be devastating. Large semi-trucks can weigh tens of thousands of pounds and carry dangerous and volatile cargo. Collisions between these vehicles and smaller passenger cars can result in catastrophic damages. 

If you are pursuing a legal claim following a Mississippi truck accident, you may wonder how much compensation you can expect to receive.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Personal Injury

What Damages Can A Dog Bite Victim Recover In Mississippi

It can be painful to experience an unexpected dog bite or attack. You may sustain injuries such as scratches and puncture wounds. It is important to seek medical attention for all dog bites, as they often get infected quickly.

Additionally, you may be wondering if you are able to collect compensation from the dog’s owner through a Gulfport personal injury lawsuit.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Workers Compensation

What are the Elements of a Mississippi Workers’ Comp Claim?

If an individual is injured on the job in Mississippi, they may be entitled to benefits through workers’ compensation. All employers with five or more employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance to properly cover their employees, with some exceptions depending on the sector in which the company operates. 

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Workers Compensation

What Are The Steps In The Workers’ Comp Claim Process In Mississippi?

Workers’ compensation guarantees payment of certain medical and wage loss benefits to individuals injured while on the job. Employers must pay into the workers’ compensation fund by state law. If covered, an employer must provide benefits to their employees by purchasing workers’ compensation insurance from an insurance company, or they may self-insure if approved by the Workers’ Compensation Commission.

On Behalf of Haug, Farrar & Franco, PLLC I Workers Compensation

What You Need To Know About The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission

The Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Act, administered by the Mississippi Workers’ Compensation Commission, allows workers injured in Mississippi to receive cash disability benefits and medical care. If you receive worker’s compensation benefits, you are not permitted to sue your employer for damages.

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