If you’ve found that your current personal injury lawyer isn’t meeting your needs, you are not locked in. Fortunately, it’s possible to switch law firms at any time during the legal process before signing a settlement agreement. The process can be overwhelming, but with a little research and the following steps, you can ensure a smooth transition from one firm to another.

Understand The Process of Choosing a New Personal Injury Law Firm

Choosing a new law firm is a critical step in this process. You’ll want to look for a firm that specializes in personal injury law and employs lawyers who have experience in litigation, mediation, and settlement negotiations. When selecting a new law firm, consider the firm’s reputation, online reviews, and track record of success.

You should also have a clear understanding of how the new firm’s contingency fee structure. Make sure you understand how much the new firm will take as compensation once your case is resolved. Communicate your needs and expectations clearly, and make sure that you feel comfortable working with a new lawyer.

Schedule Free Consultations

Once you’ve identified a few possible candidates, you’ll want to attend a free consultation with each firm. At this consultation, you’ll meet with a lawyer who will assess your case and listen to your concerns. Make sure you come prepared with any documentation you have for your case, including medical records or accident reports.

During the consultation, you’ll also want to discuss the lawyer’s availability to answer questions and provide regular updates. You should feel comfortable having open and honest communication with your potential new personal injury lawyer.

Sign a Contract with the New Firm

After selecting a new personal injury law firm, it is vital to sign a contract with them. The agreement gives permission for the law firm to advocate for you and explains in detail the work that you can expect from them.

Contracts typically outline the fees that will be charged and how they will be calculated as well as any other obligations you may have. Read the contract carefully before signing it, and make sure you fully understand the terms.

Provide Permission to Access Your Case Records

Once you’ve signed with your new law firm, it is essential to provide permission to access your case records. Collect all the records of your case from the previous lawyer and make sure to discuss the next steps with the new lawyer. With access to the records, the new firm can have an overview of what’s been done so far and assess the current situation.

Common Reasons To Change Lawyers 

Personal injury claims can be lengthy and stressful, and having the right legal representation can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. However, circumstances can arise that lead claimants to consider switching lawyers.

One of the reasons why claimants may choose to change lawyers is when they feel as though their current lawyer is not making progress, their communication is poor, or they feel like they are not being adequately represented. 

Another common reason is when the lawyer is overloaded with cases, and their level of attention to your case is low. Additionally, sometimes disagreements with your lawyer might get too persistent that it becomes a hindrance to your case.

While changing lawyers may seem overwhelming, it can result in significant advantages for victims who aren’t satisfied with their legal representation. For help, contact us to schedule a free consultation.